General :
Students are allotted rooms according to their age and class.
Boarders must bring the clothing and other essential things as per the list provided by the
The clothes should be labeled and listed.
They should always be punctual and maintain strict discipline.
Rooms have to be kept neat and electricity.
Boarders are not allowed to keep any money, valuables, any electronic gadgets or mobile phones etc. with them.
All purchases by the boarders must be done through the school authorities or parents and Guardians.
Pocket money of Rs. 20 will be given to class 1 and below and Rs. 50 for class 2 and above.
Boarders will be taken outside the campus every Sunday with parents.
Parents are not allowed to meet their wards during the weekdays. Parents can visit their wards on Sunday or a holiday.
Students are expected to use the study time profitably and strict silence has to be maintained in the study hall.
Fancy belts, rings, trinkets, make-up sets, nail polish, hair colors will confiscated if brought to school.
Only hair clips, hair bands or ribbons for girls. Long hair should be braided.
Fancy hair cut or coloring of hair is prohibited.
Student are strictly NOT allowed. Slippers must be brought to be worn in the boarding. Shoes prescribed by the school have to be
used. No other fancy shoes to be brought. Fancy shoes are allowed to wear only outside the school campus.
In case of sickness, it should be reported to the hostel in charge and to the head of management.
All incidental expenses of the boarders will be recovered from their account.
Boarders are not permitted to visit or stay in other rooms after 10.00 P.M.
Boarders have to pay all dues towards the school before leaving the boarding.
Borders parent have to pay hostel fee before 10th of each month. Only dues of two months will be accepted.
Parents have to meet hostel in-charge or head of management before meet their wards.
Any damage caused to the school property will be recovered along with a fine
Any boarder leaving the school in the middle of the academic year has to pay the boarding fee of the entire year.
Boarding rules have to be strictly followed by all boarders.
Continuation as boarder will be based on the academic performance, behavior and turnout.
Facilities for sports and games are available to the boarders for the all round growth.
After 6.00 P.M. parents are not allowed to meet their wards.
Telephone Rules- Contact no. :- 06452-231173/+91 9709420026/+91 9304281988
Parents can make telephone calls only if necessary on Sundays or holidays between 8.00 P.M. to 9.15.P.M.
Boarders are permitted to talk to their parents on Sundays between 8.00 P.M. and 9.15 P.M.
In case of emergency parents can contact the head of management.
Boarders not permitted to bring Mobile phones.
Leave rules
Boarders are permitted to go to their local guardian on the last Saturday of every month and they have to return back to the
boarding on Sunday before 5.00 P.M.
Students may be granted leave up to a maximum period of three days in case of an emergency and this can be availed only once in
each term.
Leave may be granted for special medical treatment if necessary.
A written request from the parent should be sent directly to the warden for availing leave or head of management.
Prescription to be submitted after a long absence. The Doctor’s certificate will be taken in consideration.
The boarders will not be sent with any other person unless he/she brings a letter of authorization from the parent
Boarders are not allowed to go out the campus without the authorization of the warden or head of management.
While leaving the school campus they must wear the civil uniform.
In case of drop and pick up is required by the boarders, parents are to inform the warden in writing well in advance.
The cost of the same will be recovered form their recoverable account.
Before leaving hostel during holidays borders have to lock all valuable items inside box or submit head
of management/hostel in-charge.